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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Optimism is a must!

 In order to live an effective and positive life we need to be optimistic. Optimism is a positive verb. A verb is an action, a word that requires foot work and in this case it calls for faith to be activated. Optimism and faith go hand and hand in order to be optimistic you have to have faith to believe what you can’t see. Even though a situation may look cloudy like it’s not going to clear up storms are not designed to last. The meaning of optimism as defined in the Oxford English Dictionary is defined as having hopefulness and confidence about the future or successful outcome of something: a tendency to take a favorable or hopeful view”. Basically optimism means to expect the best no matter the situation or issue it’s about turning a negative into a positive.
  This is much like faith which is coming from the Holy bible “the evidence of things not seen and the substance of things hoped for.” The operative word being “hope”, Everyday day we open our eyes we need to be optimistic and filled with hope. So a man thinks so is He, If you go around thinking negative thoughts you will be negative and if you think positive thoughts you will be positive and will achieve positive results.
There are two types of people in the world, Optimists and Pessimists. The optimistic person will say the cup is half full the pessimistic person will say the cup is half empty. Pessimism is the the opposite of optimism.  Being a pessimist can cause depression and a great deal of stress because you have no hope. Optimism will bring you joy on a rainy day. When you are optimistic you can turn what seems to be a bad situation into a good one simply because of how you viewed the situation. Optimism will cause a person to smile just for the sake of smiling and as Christians we represent Christ who is a great example of optimism at it’s best.
 We serve an awesome God. He encourages us to cast our cares and burdens upon Him hence forth causing our load to be light because we know by faith our heavenly father God has us. Sometimes the way we think can make a situation worse than it was even meant to be.
                I refuse to live my life being pessimistic, down and depressed about everything. God has brought me too far to go back to that. I had to go through to get to a place where all I want in my life is peace. Meanwhile, being optimistic you will have peace. God will not give us more than we can handle and know that whatever it is we go through God has equipped us with what we need to make it through our storms, we just have to hold on press on and believe.
In my life I’ve endured a great many trials and tribulations such as child abuse, drug addiction, prostitution, incarceration, rejection, depression, hopelessness, loneliness and homelessness. But by the grace and mercy of our almighty God I have been delivered  and set free from all of that and today I am a living witness to what God can do as long as you believe He can do it. We serve the God of the impossible. He has made my crooked ways straight. Because of all that I have been through sure I can feel sorry for myself and say I am not worth anything, “the devil is a liar” by the blood of Jesus Christ I have been made a victor not a victim God took what the devil meant for my harm and turned it around for my good making it possible for me to tell my story to give Him the glory. I didn’t fix this God did, he brought me out, Today I am optimistic instead of me thinking of myself as someone who had a bad past I think of myself as someone whose best is yet to come. By all that I have learned on my journey in life I can help someone else become more optimistic and hopeful and if God did it for me He can do it for you too. Glory be to God.
 Written by: Evangelist Ivana Vereen-Campbell

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