God's Word is Alive and Unchanging, in it you will find the Way to everlasting life!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fighting the Good Fight of Faith!

My mind was racing I couldn't seem to get a grip on reality, it felt as if I was being suffocated from the inside out. All I truly wanted to do was to please God by helping others, ministering the Word and giving as God so graciously gives to me. I am not perfect but I was sure trying to be. Maybe just maybe I was trying too hard. I go to church every Sunday, I am on the praise and worship team, I am at intercessory prayer every thursday night, I sing in the choir, I pay my tithes, I go an extra mile to help others and in all that I do it is my wish and prayer to please God. What am I doing wrong? Why do I feel like the world is closing in on me? Why can't I seem to get ahead? Why does it feel like I am all alone in this world at times? Why oh why do I feel so bad if I am doing everything right?
The answer is I am under attack! (This is just a trial designed to build and strengthen me to get where God wants me to be) The enemy would love for me to believe I am all alone and dont have God on my side. "the devil is a liar" (God promises never to leave nor forsake me). Today I am going to fight the good fight of faith by hanging in there and by continuing to do the right thing.I now know that God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts nor is His timing our timing. God is in charge an still sitting on the throne. Just because it may seem as if things are moving slow and like things are not going to get better by faith I am believing God for His divine intervention. The Bible say's that "All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose." I know that I love the Lord and that I am called. The enemy deceives and tries to stir up unbelief, fear and doubt in the children of God in efforts to hinder and sabatoge the life God has promised us. All I need to do is wait on the Lord and by waiting on the Lord my strength shall be renewed. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will not walk around here as if I have the weight of the world on my shoulders when God instructs us to cast our cares and fears upon Him bcause He cares for us and loves us. I am going to smile and continue to be grateful to be here another day. I will not focus on the bad. Nor will I entertain negative thoughts and or people. Today I will fight by casting down vain and wicked imaginations and every high and lofty thing that exhalts itself above the knowledge of God, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Jesus Christ. I will fight (I am not alone)God is for me and with God for me who can be against me. I will hold on and when I have done all that I can do I will stand. I am Victorious, I am teachable, I am beautiful, I am above and not beneath, I am a lender and not a borrower, I am who God says I am, I am a child of the Most High God and He has the final say! It aint over!

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