God's Word is Alive and Unchanging, in it you will find the Way to everlasting life!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

"Getting Sober By Being Delivered"

The road has been rough and tough to say the least, but by the grace of God I am alive and living a drug free life and most importantly living for Christ Jesus. He is the Head of my life. While growing up no one ever thinks they could or would become addicted to drugs, it very well does happen, and to be honest with you  being addicted to anything other than God is a mistake. God is my way maker and He is the reason I'm able to tell my story with all truth and honesty and in my right mind. Being bound by drugs was no fun in fact I didn’t start out addicted, it first started with me hanging out with my then boyfriend who experimented with drugs and alcohol then I was 15 he was 19 there was a bit of an age difference however that was the beginning to the end. I thought it was fun being around him because he didn’t reject me, I figured as long as I gave in and did what he wanted he would always accept me. This is where low self-esteem played a part,  I should have walked away from that unhealthy relationship after I found out he was using drugs unfortunately I stayed. That was the start of the drug use. The point where I began to notice where things were getting bad is when I realized that my ex-boyfriend was no longer in the room with me I was all alone.

If you are ever presented with the opportunity to indulge in drug use… RUN! Anyone encouraging you to use drugs doesn’t mean you any good,  they may not even know the harm they are potentially causing to themselves and you. "It took 10 years to undo that which happened in 30 seconds". Today I am sober and delivered and living for Christ. It is He that took what the devil meant for my harm and turned it around for my good. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, he tried to take me out on many occasions whether it be by drugs, the streets or by taking my mind "But God" He saved me! I am a child of the most high God and He had me when I thought I was all alone just going through He had me, He spared my life and saved me for such a time as this. I am on display for Christ. All that I have been through the storms and trials is taking me to where God wants me to be.
It has been a journey often times I would look at myself and wonder how I was making it? There were times that I was hungry, tired, depressed, desperate, hurt, angry and upset and lonely all as a direct result of the lifestyle I found myself indulging in, but again I had to go through to get to…but I am still here. Glory Be to God!
We all have a story to tell but how many will actually tell inspite of the shame and trials and and the dirty little secrets. By me exposing the shame I am lifting it, becoming more free daily. The enemy didn’t want me to know who I am let alone whose I am, he wants us to stay bound by the spirit of shame and fear hindering us from helping others from becoming free. God does not give us the spirit of fear but the spirit of Power, Love and a Sound mind. By the blood of Jesus we are Victorious! God wants us to prosper and grow and to have life and have it more abundantly this means to have all that He has for us. Today I am "Sober By Being Delivered" Stay tuned for the release of my latest book "Getting Sober by being Delivered" and upcoming events!
God Bless you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I need deliverance bad I need God to move and help me like yesterday emergncy I need help