God's Word is Alive and Unchanging, in it you will find the Way to everlasting life!

About Me (Evangelist Ivana Vereen)

My name is Evangelist Ivana Vereen and I now know that I was born with a purpose. My mother, Dilcy Mae Vereen, gave birth to 6 children including a single birth and two sets of multiples; twins and triplets. I am one of the triplets. Unaware that she was pregnant with triplets until two weeks before delivering, my mother faced complications giving birth as all three of us tried to leave the womb at the same time. This struggle mirrors the struggles and fight of my life. Finding an alternative way to cope with my hardships, I led a life of addictions of all sorts such as drugs and men, my life was filled with scandal however I continued to hang on by a thread, I always knew there was a purpose to fulfill. Today I am walking in my purpose, teaching others that there is life after addiction, abuse and bad choices. I attribute my recovery, deliverance and my new mind to a rebirth of my soul, trusting in God to provide the strength I needed to turn my life around. I am not ashamed to tell my story, knowing that it may help others break free of the bonds that are keeping them feeling worthless, rejected, hurt and ashamed. In fact I am now in the process of writing my book "Getting Sober By Being Delivered.". It is my desire to travel and to spread the good news (the Gospel of Jesus Christ). People everywhere need to that God is still sitting on the throne and in full Control and what He did for me He will do for you. God is no respecter of persons. He is able!
I am the mother of seven children; six sons and one daughter,I have obtained a degree in Criminal Justice Administration. I also obtained my C.N.A license and have worked as a certified Nursing Assistant working with mental health patients and caring for elderly men and women. I plan to further my education and to simply just go forward to achieve and attain the life of abundance that God promises for us all.