God's Word is Alive and Unchanging, in it you will find the Way to everlasting life!

Mission Statement and Goals!

Our goals are to create a platform where people of all ages, and all walks of life can come together to share their stories, comments, questions and testimonials in such a way someone else will be blessed to know they’re not alone. I'm here to let you know you're not the only one who might be experiencing shame, guilt, anger and fear. If you don’t release it you will become bitter and harbor unforgiveness in your heart, this is unhealthy. We want to allow you the opportunity to express yourselves and to become free from bondage through lifting your shame by exposing it. A lot of people sit on shame, guilt and dirty little secrets in efforts to hide what they have endured, or gone through. “You are not alone.”  At some point or another we have all done this. The more you hide and stuff things inside is the more you are hindered from living the life of abundance God has for you. That which is keeping you imprisoned in your mind is a level you had to endure in order to get to your next level of faith it was not meant to kill you but to strengthen you, however unless you expose it you won’t be able to get past it, and the more you hide is the more you are allowing the enemy to keep you in bondage. I encourage you to get free today.

Our mission is to help all those who fear there might not be another way to live. By sharing my personal trials and stories of triumphs with you I hope to encourage you too see that you have options, there is still hope. You don't have to stay in bondage. "God wants for us to prosper." We also want to assure you that you too can be free and delivered of those things that keep you living in a bubble. Reach out, loose those chains of bondage and shackles of fear and gain deliverance. Phillipians 4:13 states, "I can do all things through Christ Jesus which strengthens me." That's you and me. If you don’t find some way to deal with those past hurts and feelings of guilt and shame it can potentially kill you in the natural and in the spirit. We want to help you before this occurs and give you the tools you need to receive your freedom and your overall deliverance. You do not have to be angry or depressed anymore, this is a new season, a new time, and a new day, we want to help initiate the road to your new life which will lead you to true success. Be blessed!