God's Word is Alive and Unchanging, in it you will find the Way to everlasting life!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Warning: Negativity is like a Disease! It's very Contagious! Run!

Negative people are like crab in a bucket they don’t want you to get out so they will pull you down and in a lot of cases keep you down. It is much more beneficial to be optimistic as opposed to pessimistic. If you go through life always expecting the worse that’s exactly what you will get but if you just step out on faith and turn that negative into a positive you will create hope for yourself and with hope skies the limit.
  Hope and faith go hand and hand, we need hope in our lives to assist in us looking forward to our next level and we need faith to know  we will make it through to our next level. There is nothing impossible with God. At one point in my life I was broken, lost, depressed and in bondage. I didn’t know there was a better life for me “But God” showed me and with Christ Jesus all things are possible. He shows me love and how to live daily by reading His Word. He saved me and by His grace and mercies I am here today, here to tell my story to give Him all the Glory because He did it for me I didn’t do it, my mother didn’t do it, my husband didn’t do it, my children didn’t do it, “God did it.” I cannot live without God in my life. I am grateful and thankful to be living my life for Christ today. In didn’t know who I was back in the day let alone who I was but today I know that I am a child of the Most High God and that I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. God has saved me for such a time as this and I am telling you because He did it for me He can do it for you too if you just believe.
So I say to you today isn’t it easier to think positive as opposed to negative, being negative is like a disease, it spreads fast and if you’re not careful, you can catch it and pass it on. Do you want to go through life with hate and not enjoying the life God has for you?
 God has so much He wants to do for us and so many places He wants to take us but some are not ready to receive it, if they were to get it without being prepared they may not be able to hold on to it. God knows what He’s doing. He is the Creator of the Universe He knew what He was doing then and He knows what He is doing now. God has given us free will but some of us are not choosing wisely therefore we have to go through to get to where God wants us to be and He wants us to be in a place where He can shower us with His blessings and unconditional love, but If you are not yet ready we will have to endure some things. But know this God does equip us with what we need to make it through. Think back, look at all the hard situations you were in before, didn’t you make it through? I got news for you, you weren’t alone God was there and has always been, let’s take the limits off God and allow Him to be God, “the Head of Our lives.” God is good and He is love, follow His laws, be optimistic, remain hopeful and don’t give up on faith! There is nothing impossible with God I know He is doing it for me daily. Glory Be To God!

1 comment:

Kenneth Campbell said...

The Lord has done a wonderful work with you, you are a Bless woman and may God continue to work with you. I have read all your bloggs and they really HELP me. Keep on doing what you'r doing because the Lord has order your steps in JESUS name.