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Monday, October 10, 2011

Breast Cancer...

Breast Cancer is defined as being Cancer that forms in the tissue of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple).
When one hears the words breast cancer there is a certain stigma associated with it often times it’s the fear of dying.  But with advanced technology, early detection and personal monthly breast exams this doesn’t have to be a death sentence. This is a disease mostly found in women and men but very rarely men. Doctors recommend self-breast exams at least once a month and advise women to get yearly mammograms by the time they reach 50 for early detection, the quicker it’s found, the quicker it can be addressed and combated.
 Cancer of any kind can be detrimental if left untreated. This is why it’s so important to know your body. Get familiar with your breast so if any changes occur in the shape or the size of the breast or if there is any leakage you will be able to detect it in time, do not ignore your body. Cancer is no respecter of persons I know because my mother passed away from it in 2002 at the age of 52.
This was difficult to comprehend at the time because I believed this wasn’t supposed to happen to anyone I knew let alone my mother. While I was growing up I never knew anyone with Cancer,and because we didn’t know about Cancer we as children never gave it any thought. Then reality set in, my mother said she felt a lump under her arm I still didn’t think anything of it because my mother wasn’t the type of woman to complain she barely even went to the doctors. After all we are talking about a woman who gave birth to a set of twins and triplets and we also have an older sister, my mother literally gave birth to 6 children in only 3 pregnancies she was a strong woman. God blessed her with strength unheard of but that just goes to show just how much of a miracle worker Our Father God is He is the God of the impossible.
 I couldn’t wrap my brain around the fact that my mother could possibly have breast cancer so I just didn’t believe it. After the doctors conducted her test, the time came for her to give us the results and what we were afraid of came to pass she indeed had breast cancer. The funny thing about it is the lump under her arm wasn’t cancerous but this prompted them to run tests on her breast and sure enough they found a lump in there that turned out to be cancer (malignant). We were all shocked not really knowing what to do or how to receive this bad news without making things worse for my mother.
My mother was more concerned with how we felt than how she was feeling. My mother was diagnosed in 2000 and passed away March 10, 2002 she didn’t have it for long things were moving kind of fast. She did undergo chemotherapy but she wasn’t too happy about this because it burned her skinned. My mother suffered but just for a short time  in comparison to others, thank God. I know some people may not understand life and the things we sometimes have to endure to get to the next level but the truth of the matter is life happens this was another experience we had to go through to get to where God wants us to be. I thank God for who He is and all He has done for us. My mother lived to see me delivered from a life of destruction and raised her children and planted the seeds we needed to follow Christ on our own. I ‘d say her job was done and she is now in heaven with Our Heavenly Father singing ever so beautifully as she did when she was here. I learned how to be a good mother, a loving wife, and a faithful Christian through the morals, values and seeds that were planted in us at a very young age. My mother was a Sanctified, Holy Ghost filled, Water baptized Christian who led the way for me and my siblings I thank God for my mother and who she represented while here on earth. So now I can and will be the woman of God she taught me to be.
Let’s live and thank God for every day He blesses us with, to love one another as He loves us In Jesus Name.

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