God's Word is Alive and Unchanging, in it you will find the Way to everlasting life!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Marijuana is a Drug!

Many people are under the impression that marijuana is not a drug.  Anything you consume that cause’s physical or mental impairment is considered a drug. It may not be as intense or as serious to some as cocaine and other drugs but the fact still remains it is a drug. You don’t normally hear or see people fighting and stealing for it but it can get to that level.
Marijuana is a gateway drug to other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, methamphetamines, acid, speed and more that was just to name a few. One will never achieve the same intensity of high they received when they first tried marijuana, this is where the addiction can potentially take place. The more someone uses is the more higher they want to get and so after a while the marijuana will not be enough...
 Then someone may come along with some pills and or other drugs and says, "here try this, it’s like marijuana but it doesn’t make you sleepy" and that’s how it starts in some cases. It may even start out as you selling marijuana and from selling it you go to smoking it with your friends, then you began to smoke it by yourself this is where it can lead to, I know because this is how I started. I am saying this to say yes even marijuana can be detrimental to someone, it may not start out as a problem but I can guarantee you it will end as one. Be smart if someone say’s "come smoke with me it can’t harm you," this is a lie. “Just say NO” keep your head in the books young people and if you are an adult and don’t know much about drug use I am telling you it’s a bad idea, addiction is no respecter of persons, it happened to me, it can happen to you too be smart and "just say No!"
Drugs are just another device of the enemy to keep us from getting to where God wants us to be. Being under the influence all the time distorts your common sense and will have you living in a fantasy world as if you don’t have a care in the world. How can you live like this and make sound decisions and use good judgment on the things of life if you are constantly impaired. I couldn’t function half the time, in the beginning I thought I had it down pact and all under control but it didn’t last long drug use will lead to addiction and it will always get worse.  Do yourself a favor parents talk to your children deter them from engaging in drug and alcohol use, it can and will destroy them, it destroyed me but what the devil meant for my harm God turned it around for my Good. I give all the Glory to God for saving me and delivering me from a life of destruction. I literally tasted the bowels of death through the addiction I was in "But God," He saved me and gave me another chance to live. Today I am living a sober and drug-free life. There is nothing impossible with God. I myself started out smoking weed and then went on to using other drugs, some don’t make it out but I did, "Glory to God," I am here to help others from making some of the same mistakes I did.

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