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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Overcoming Sexual Abuse...

Sitting there not having a clue why this man was touching me, what did this mean? Did I bring this on myself? Is this my fault? I wonder if he is going to hurt me worse later. He threatened to hurt my family and he told me that this was our little secret. He promised me gifts if I stayed. These are all questions and things that go through a child’s mind when they are being sexually molested at a young age I know because it happened to me.

I was sexually molested when I was 7 and again when I was 10, though I wasn’t penetrated, I still remember the touching and inappropriate activities that went on. I didn’t understand them then but I do now. Those 2 individuals were sick and probably were molested themselves and never received treatment or help for their abuse. This was not at all my fault. I was an innocent little child who knew nothing about life let alone sex however there I was at the hands of an abuser. For years I didn’t tell I kept it and in doing so I hurt myself in such a way that it destroyed me though not apparent on the outside I was messed up on the inside confused and scared. It took me some years to tell my mother and even then it was swept under the carpet I guess out of sight out of mind. I do know that after the second incident we were never left with anyone else again. Our mother loved us so. She had no idea any of this had happened at the time they occurred but after the fact it never happened again.
In order to overcome this I had to first learn to forgive, forgive them and forgive myself. Had I not forgiven them I would have stayed bound up and that’s what the enemy wants is for us to be bound up with fear and shame to keep us from knowing the truth. The truth is we all have a story some more than others the best way to get over the shame and guilt is to lift the shame by exposing it. I guarantee someone else has gone through this and worse and afraid to talk about or can’t find the way to deal with it. I am here to tell you free yourself forgive them and forgive yourself it was not your fault. Don’t allow the enemy to steal your joy or your life forgive let it go and go forward. There is life after abuse I am a witness of it. You are beautiful and wonderfully made. Your best is yet to come.
There are many different types of child abuse, sexual, verbal, neglect, physical, emotional and mental. Anyone of these can be detrimental to a child, to anyone for that matter, but it can be worse for a child. Telling a child they will never amount to anything or that they are no good, this is verbal abuse. Physical abuse is causing physical harm to a child to the point of their body being bruised, scarred, or broken. Neglect is not caring for someone you are responsible for keeping their common necessities from them like food, safety, toiletries clothing etc. None of these are good and we can prevent, and stop it. No one deserves to be abused whether you are a man woman child or elderly person. God wants us to love and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves and as long as we are doing so there is no room for abuse of any kind to anyone.

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