God's Word is Alive and Unchanging, in it you will find the Way to everlasting life!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


It is essential to have tunnel vision when it comes to doing the Will of God. This means we are not to waiver nor compromise who we are in Christ to please other people, people who simply cannot understand your love for Christ Jesus. I have had different people say to me on more than one occaision that I talk about God too much and that I shouldnt be the way I am. My thoughts are....."Are you serious" what God has done for me no other would have done. God is in charge and sitting on His throne watching and protecting us who sometimes don't even deserve His love but He loves us anyway.
John 3:16 say's "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." "Are you serious" that in itself is some serious kind of love. I don't care what anybody say's or feels about me if you don't want to be around me because I love the Lord guess what that is just too bad if a person chooses to leave you because you love the Lord let them go. God is way more important to me than anyone can even imagine. He saved me for such a time as this I need Jesus I don't know about anyone else but I can tell you if it had not been for the love of Christ Jesus I would not be hereand neither would you therefore I am available to God. God's Will be done forever and always in Jesus name!