God's Word is Alive and Unchanging, in it you will find the Way to everlasting life!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lift your shame by exposing it!!!

Secrets can make you sick, they can also keep you sick if you don't find some way to address them and deal with them or have someone you can trust to talk to about them. I encourage you all to get free today. The more you expose is the more free you will become. We have all experienced some amount of shame at one time or another but now is the time for you to get delivered. If you are in fact battling issues in your mind as a result of a secret or something that you have done that was so shameful I urge you to expose it.
 John 10:10 states "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). Now the first part of that verse clearly warns us that the enemy is against and wants to steal our joy, to kill and destroy us, he doesn't like us and that's ok because we don't like him either however as long as we continue to stay in God's Will and renew our minds daily by the reading, studying and meditating of God's Word the enemy won't be able to steal from us nor make us feel like we are losing our minds. The second part to that verse tells us that Jesus came so that we will have life and have it abundantly, this means to live good, to have all of our needs met and peace in our lives with joy but unless you read the living word of God you won't know this. So it's the enemy's job to keep you from getting power and from knowing who you are in the Lord. The more you read God's Word and gain understanding and wisdom of what His Will is for your life, is the More power you will have to fight the enemy with. Lift your shame by exposing it and get free today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your deliverance Evangelist Ivana! I am pleased to know that I am not alone and that no longer do I have to be in fear of someone finding out my past secrets, I know that I am not where I used to be and I am glad my past will not hinder my future. I too am free today!