God's Word is Alive and Unchanging, in it you will find the Way to everlasting life!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Patience is a virtue!

For so long I have been doing things my way not realizing that God has been here for me all along. I thought I had it all figured out I was going to make things happen. I was wrong! God has His own way of doing things, our thoughts are not His thoughts and our ways are not His ways He knows what is best for us and when it is best for us to have what He has for us. Often times we get in such a hurry that we move ahead of God. Scripture tells us that as long as we believe and ask for what we want in Jesus name it shall be given to us. This is true but we also have to remember that just because we ask for it today doesn't mean we are going to receive today.

 God's timing is not ours and He has His way and method of doing everything, He's God and God all by Him self. He wants for us to grow which will promote change, which will increase prosperity but how many of us are actually willing to wait? How many of us has felt at one time or another as if God is moving too slow? How many of us feel that we can do it on our own? This was me (I know better now). I have since come to learn and believe that we go from level to level by faith to faith and for each level we achieve we gain a little more faith. Suppose God did move when we wanted Him to, would we be able to handle and maintain what He has for us? Without getting the proper training and education or even the mindset to keep it could we really do it on our own (the answer is no)? We go through because we have to go through with each struggle we gain more strength knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
 We definitely cant make it without correction though some of us are under the assumption that we can. This is a lie we need God's discipline and correction to beome what He has ordained us to be. God is still siutting on the throne and knows exactly what He is doing. He knows the plans He has for us even though it may seem as if things are not working out and things arent getting better hold on God is still in control. Just when it seems as if things are not working out for you is exactly when God is working things out on your behalf. Scripture tells us that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. God has equipped us with what we need to go through (make it) otherwise we wouldnt be going through it. You have heard of the cliche' what doesn't kill you makes you stronger well God doesn't want us to die therefore He will not give you more than you can handle. He will give you just enough at a time to build you, build your faith, build your character, build your love and to shape and mold you into what He wants you to be. Correction and rebuke does not feel good but it's necessary. As long as we stay in the Will of God and ask Him daily to have His way and to let His Perfect Will be done not ours we are safe. Safe in His loving arms, safe in His Word which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Safe in His Heart! Trust God He knows what He is doing! God loves you nd only wants the very best for us all! Glory to you Jesus

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