God's Word is Alive and Unchanging, in it you will find the Way to everlasting life!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Optimism is a must!

 In order to live an effective and positive life we need to be optimistic. Optimism is a positive verb. A verb is an action, a word that requires foot work and in this case it calls for faith to be activated. Optimism and faith go hand and hand in order to be optimistic you have to have faith to believe what you can’t see. Even though a situation may look cloudy like it’s not going to clear up storms are not designed to last. The meaning of optimism as defined in the Oxford English Dictionary is defined as having hopefulness and confidence about the future or successful outcome of something: a tendency to take a favorable or hopeful view”. Basically optimism means to expect the best no matter the situation or issue it’s about turning a negative into a positive.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lift your shame by exposing it!!!

Secrets can make you sick, they can also keep you sick if you don't find some way to address them and deal with them or have someone you can trust to talk to about them. I encourage you all to get free today. The more you expose is the more free you will become. We have all experienced some amount of shame at one time or another but now is the time for you to get delivered. If you are in fact battling issues in your mind as a result of a secret or something that you have done that was so shameful I urge you to expose it.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Overcoming Sexual Abuse...

Sitting there not having a clue why this man was touching me, what did this mean? Did I bring this on myself? Is this my fault? I wonder if he is going to hurt me worse later. He threatened to hurt my family and he told me that this was our little secret. He promised me gifts if I stayed. These are all questions and things that go through a child’s mind when they are being sexually molested at a young age I know because it happened to me.

Domestic Violence

What glitters is not always gold and what looks good to you is not always good for you, though these are cliché they are true. This is the same as “beware of the wolfe in sheep’s clothing.” Well my first long-term relationship I thought in the beginning was a perfect one. I'd been in a relationship with a guy who I believed loved me and cared for me more than anything else in the world. He was cute, fair in complexion, tall and we were compatible in spite of our age difference, he was 19 and I was 15. I can't recall him rejecting me in any way in the beginning things were great, he took me everywhere with him, where you saw him you saw me, we were inseperable. Then things changed we began to do things other than just hanging out. He introduced me to (powder) cocaine and because I thought he loved me I used with him to please him, I allowed him to be my mind, he would make decisions for me quite often unfortunately this was a bad one. It felt good to feel loved, to be in love and to love however this was all wrong “love doesn’t hurt.” At first I didn’t think anything of the drugs I saw it as recreational and it wasn’t going to harm anyone let alone me. I was wrong to make a long story short the drug use started with this relationship and the drug addiction ended several years later.

Marijuana is a Drug!

Many people are under the impression that marijuana is not a drug.  Anything you consume that cause’s physical or mental impairment is considered a drug. It may not be as intense or as serious to some as cocaine and other drugs but the fact still remains it is a drug. You don’t normally hear or see people fighting and stealing for it but it can get to that level.
Marijuana is a gateway drug to other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, methamphetamines, acid, speed and more that was just to name a few. One will never achieve the same intensity of high they received when they first tried marijuana, this is where the addiction can potentially take place. The more someone uses is the more higher they want to get and so after a while the marijuana will not be enough...

What is Salvation?

 God is rich in grace and mercy. He loves us unconditionally. John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” Can you imagine giving birth to a newborn baby then giving it to be sacrificed for people who didn’t deserve it; this is a great love that can only come from God Almighty. God has given us a choice to be saved or to be condemned, what will you choose today?


It doesn’t feel good to get hurt not physically, mentally, nor emotionally, in fact sometimes we may not even realize that we are being hurt until after the fact and at this point this will cause us to build up anger, resentment and animosity in our hearts creating bondage. When we as human beings hurt we in turn hurt other people as well. We have to forgive so we will be forgiven by our Heavenly Father. It doesn’t help to harbor ill feelings in our heart toward anyone because the only people we end up hurting is ourselves, let’s break the cycle and forgive and love one another. Forgiveness is an option one best associated with healing.

"Getting Sober By Being Delivered"

The road has been rough and tough to say the least, but by the grace of God I am alive and living a drug free life and most importantly living for Christ Jesus. He is the Head of my life. While growing up no one ever thinks they could or would become addicted to drugs, it very well does happen, and to be honest with you  being addicted to anything other than God is a mistake. God is my way maker and He is the reason I'm able to tell my story with all truth and honesty and in my right mind. Being bound by drugs was no fun in fact I didn’t start out addicted, it first started with me hanging out with my then boyfriend who experimented with drugs and alcohol then I was 15 he was 19 there was a bit of an age difference however that was the beginning to the end. I thought it was fun being around him because he didn’t reject me, I figured as long as I gave in and did what he wanted he would always accept me. This is where low self-esteem played a part,  I should have walked away from that unhealthy relationship after I found out he was using drugs unfortunately I stayed. That was the start of the drug use. The point where I began to notice where things were getting bad is when I realized that my ex-boyfriend was no longer in the room with me I was all alone.